Song To John
Written By: June Carter Cash

Released August 02, 2005
I try to remember the things that are precious to you
And I’d give you money if that would do
But money won’t do it
That’s not your way
Your money’s been for giving away
Now if you precede me and go to your grave
And the angels knocks the clouds about
When Jesus comes to save I’ll be standing there
To rise with you
And go up
As you do
And I will always love you
You’ll always be mine
Forever and always
‘Til the end of time
‘Til the mountains split open with the weight of the sun
We’ll rise up together as one
So I let my hair hang down
‘Cause that’s the way you like it
And I’ll keep myself neat and nice for you
And I’ll have good food on your table
And I will keep your house in order
And I will pray for you
For your wisdom and understanding
And your charity
And even if you’ve been wrong and I’d known it
You’ve always been right
Because that’s God’s order
And I will smile for you
And I’ll be kind
And I’ll love your babies
Just as I’ve loved mine
And when I could give you nothing
God blessed me
And I gave you a son